No Longer Children, Call ’em “kids”

Robert Lewis
1 min readOct 30, 2023


When I was a child kids were baby goats.

Sometime around 12 or so the word kid was being used to describe what we call teens or teenagers. “Those kids!” referred to teenagers gone amuck.

Now the term is used to refer to children. I think the word “children” says what they really are, works in progress that need parenting. But the word “kids” diminishes children, portraying them as little more than something to sit in front of a TV or give an iPhone to, just to keep them quiet.

Psychologically, it is a terrible choice of words, and I am convinced of it.

When I was a boy, “kids” were teenagers. I wasn’t a kid. I was a child. Children were children.

Now, you are being oppressive to call them what they are.

So, woke up, guys. Get with the New World Order! Call ’em “kids”.



Robert Lewis

Paint outdoors, write indoors, and think about how crazy this world is inside and out.